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Price list of all journals indexed in S&M/CLI publications
* | Indicates a journal that has ceased publication; changed its name or we no longer subscribe. |
+ | Indicates a new title added this month. |
CLA exc | Indicates that articles from the journal are not able to be copied |
(FJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Financial Journals Index and appearing in the FJI database |
(LJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Legal Journals Index and appearing in the LJI database |
(ELJI) | Indicates a European published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(Irl) | Indicates an Irish published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(CCC) | Indicates a journal indexed only in Current Law Monthly Digest |
title | abbrev | cov | price |
Benefits & Compensation International (FJI)* | B. & C. Int. | 1992, 21(6) - 1999, 28(10) | 16.00pa |
Banking & Financial Training (FJI)* | B. & F.T. | 1993, 1 - 1994, 64 | 5.10pa |
Baker & McKenzie Employee Benefits Law (FJI)* | B. & M.E.B.L. | 1994, Oct - 1994, Oct | CLA exc |
Baker & McKenzie Employment Law (FJI)* | B. & M.E.L. | 1992, Feb - 1992, Feb | CLA exc |
Baker & McKenzie Pensions Law (FJI)* | B. & M.P.L. | 1992, Feb - 1994, Oct | CLA exc |
Baker & McKenzie Pensions Law & Employee Benefits (FJI) (Now B. & M.E.B.L.)* | B. & M.P.L. & E.B. | 1992, Feb - 1994, Apr | CLA exc |
Bacon & Woodrow Analysis (FJI)* | B. & W.A. | 1992, 81 - 1994, 99 | CLA exc |
Bacon & Woodrow Primer (FJI)* | B. & W.P. | 1993, Mar - 1993, Oct | CLA exc |
Banking Ireland (FJI) | B. Ire. | 1993, 95(1) - 1998, 100(4) | 6.00pa |
Business News (LJI)* | B. News | 1995, 1(Spr) - 1998, 3 | 6.00pa |
British Actuarial Journal (FJI)* | B.A.J. | 1995, 1(1) - 1998, 4(5) | 6.00pa |
Butterworths Banking & Financial Law Review (LJI)* | B.B. & F.L.R. | 1987, - 1987, | CLA exc |
British Company Cases (CCC) | B.C.C. | 1997, - | 5.00pa |
Butterworths Company Law Cases (CCC) | B.C.L.C. | 1997, - | CLA exc |
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin (FJI) | B.E.Q.B. | 1993, 33(1) - 1999, 39(4) | 6.00pa |
Bulletin For International Taxation (LJI-EU) | B.F.I.T. | 2006, 60(1) - | 6.00pa |
Boodle Hatfield European Business Brief (LJI-EU)* | B.H. Eur. Bus. Brief | 1993, 3(1) - 1995, 5(4) | CLA exc |
Butterworths Human Rights Cases (CCC) | B.H.R.C. | 1997 - | CLA exc |
Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation (LJI-EU) (Now B.F.I.T.)* | B.I.F.D. | 1994, 48(1) - 2005, 59(12) | 6.00pa |
British Insurance Law Association Journal (LJI) | B.I.L.A.J. | 1992, 80 - | 5.00pa |
Butterworths Journal of International Banking & Financial Law (LJI) | B.J.I.B. & F.L. | 1986, 1(1) - | CLA exc |
Business Law Europe (LJI)* | B.L.E. | 1995, 95(11) - 1999, 99(1) | 6.00pa |
Butterworths Local Government Reports (CCC) | B.L.G.R. | 1999, - | CLA exc |
Building Law Reports (CCC) | B.L.R. | 1994, 64 - | 5.10pa |
Brokers' Monthly & Insurance Adviser (FJI)* | B.M. & I.A. | 1992, 42(1) - 1994, 44(12) | 6.00pa |
Butterworths Merger Control Review (LJI)* | B.M.C.R. | 1993, 2(1) - 2003, 12(1) | CLA exc |
Butterworths Medico-Legal Reports (CCC) | B.M.L.R. | 1994, - | CLA exc |
Back Office Focus (FJI)* | B.O.F. | 1999, 45(Feb) - 2001, 74(Dec) | 5.10pa |
Butterworths Personal Injury Litigation Service (CCC)* | B.P.I.L.S. | 1997, - 2000, | CLA exc |
Bankruptcy and Personal Insolvency Reports (CCC) | B.P.I.R. | 1996, - | 6.00pa |
British Pension Lawyer (LJI FJI) (Now Pen. Law.)* | B.P.L. | 1984, 1 - 1999, 82 | 6.00pa |
Balance Sheet (FJI) | B.S. | 1995, 4(3) - 1997/98, 6(4) | 15.00pa |
Beachcroft Stanleys EU Bulletin (LJI-EU)* | B.S. EU Bull. | 1995, 22(Aug) - 1997, 34(Oct) | CLA exc |
BIO-Science Law Review (LJI LJI-EU) | B.S.L.R. | 1997, 1 - | 6.00pa |
Banking Technology (FJI)* | B.T. | 1993, 9(10) - 1994, 11(10) | 5.10pa |
British Tax Cases (CCC) | B.T.C. | 1997, - | 5.00pa |
British Tax Review (LJI) | B.T.R. | 1986, 1 - | 5.00pa |
British Value Added Tax Reporter (CCC) | B.V.C. | 1997 - | CLA exc |
Banking World (FJI) | B.W. | 1993, 11(1) - 1995, 13(6) | 6.00pa |
British Year Book of International Law (LJI)* | B.Y.B.I.L. | 1986, 56 - 2002, 73 | 6.00pa |
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert Employment Law Review (FJI)* | BLG E.L.R. | 1993, 1(Aut) - 1994, 4(Sum) | CLA exc |
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert Insurance Law Quarterly (FJI)* | BLG Ins. Law Q. | 1992, 9 - 1994, 20 | CLA exc |
Barlow Lyde & Gilbert Pollution & Environmental Risk Digest (FJI)* | BLG P. & E.R.D. | 1992, 5 - 1994, 16 | CLA exc |
Banking Law Reports (CCC)* | Bank. L.R. | 1996, - 1997, | 5.10pa |
Bankers' Law (LJI) | Bank. Law | 2007, 1(1) - | CLA exc |
Banker (LJI) | Banker | 1993,143(805) - | CLA exc |
Bankers Magazine (FJI)* | Bankers Mag. | 1997, 180(1) - 1997, 180(1) | 5.00pa |
Bar Review (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | Bar Review | 1996, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Benefits File (FJI) | Ben. File | 1992, Jan - 1993, Jun | 6.00pa |
Best's Review Life/Health (FJI)* | Bests Rev. L./H. | 1992, 92(9) - 1998, 99(8) | 1.50pa |
Best's Review Property/Casualty (FJI)* | Bests Rev. P./C. | 1992, 92(9) - 1998, 99(8) | 1.50pa |
Bileta Newsletter (LJI) (Now L.T.J.)* | Bileta News. | 1989, 2(1) - 1991, 2(4) | 6.00pa |
Bracton Law Journal (LJI) | Bracton L.J. | 1986, 18 - | 6.00pa |
British Journal of Criminology (LJI) | Brit. J. Criminol. | 1986, 26(1) - | 13.00pa |
Broker (FJI)* | Broker | 1992, Apr - 1993, Dec | 6.00pa |
Building Law Monthly (LJI) | Build. L.M. | 1986, 3(1) - | 5.10pa |
Building (LJI) | Building | 2002, Jan 11 - | 6.00pa |
Bulletin of Medical Ethics (LJI)* | Bull. Med. E. | 1991, 65 - 1993, 94 | 6.00pa |
Business Insurance (FJI)* | Bus. Ins. | 1992, 26(35) - 2000, Dec 18 | 2.50pa |
Business Law Bulletin (LJI) | Bus. L.B. | 1993, 1(Feb) - | 5.00pa |
Business Law International (LJI)* | Bus. L.I. | 2001, 2(May) - 2003, 3(Sep) | 6.00pa |
Business Law Review (LJI) | Bus. L.R. | 1986, 7(1) - | CLA exc |
Business Risk (FJI)* | Bus. Risk | 1996, Spr - 1997, Win | 5.10pa |
Business Tax Planning (LJI)* | Bus. T.P. | 1993, 1(1) - 1994, 1(8) | 5.00pa |
Busy Practitioner (LJI) | Busy P. | 2007, Jan | 6.00pa |
Buyer (LJI) | Buyer | 1997, 19(1) - | 5.10pa |