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Price list of all journals indexed in S&M/CLI publications
* | Indicates a journal that has ceased publication; changed its name or we no longer subscribe. |
+ | Indicates a new title added this month. |
CLA exc | Indicates that articles from the journal are not able to be copied |
(FJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Financial Journals Index and appearing in the FJI database |
(LJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Legal Journals Index and appearing in the LJI database |
(ELJI) | Indicates a European published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(Irl) | Indicates an Irish published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(CCC) | Indicates a journal indexed only in Current Law Monthly Digest |
title | abbrev | cov | price |
Trust & Estates Practitioner (LJI) (Now P.C.P.)* | T. & E.P. | 2005, 3(10) - | 6.00pa |
Trusts and Estates Tax Journal (LJI) (Now T.E.L. & T.J.)* | T. & E.T.J. | 1999, 1(Nov) - 2004, 43(Jan/Feb) | CLA exc |
Trusts & Trustees (LJI) | T. & T. | 1995, 2(1) - | 4.90pa |
The Aviation Quarterly (LJI)* | T.A.Q. | 1996, 1(1) - 2000, 1(Jan) | 5.10pa |
Technical Bulletin (LJI) | T.B. | 2000, 37(May) - | 6.00pa |
Technical Bulletin of the Society of Practitioners of Insolvency (LJI) (Now T.B.)* | T.B.S.P.I. | 1998, 33(Mar) - 2000, 38(Jan) | 6.00pa |
Tax Cases (CCC) | T.C. | 1987, - | 6.00pa |
Technology and Construction Law Reports (CCC) | T.C.L.R. | 1999, 1 - | 5.00pa |
Tolley's Employment Law & Practice (LJI) (Now T.E.L.L.)* | T.E.L. & P. | 1995, 1(1) - 1998, 3(7) | CLA exc |
Trusts and Estates Law & Tax Journal (LJI) | T.E.L. & T.J. | 2004, 54(Mar) - | CLA exc |
Technology and Entertainment Law Journal (LJI LJI-IR)* | T.E.L.J. | 2000, 1(1) - 2002, 2(4) | 5.00pa |
Tolley's Employment Law-Line (LJI) | T.E.L.L. | 1998, 3(8) - | CLA exc |
Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries (FJI)* | T.F.A. | 1992, 43(1) - 1997, 44(4) | 6.00pa |
Troubled Insurer Alert (FJI) | T.I.A. | 1992, 1 - 1993, 24 | 6.00pa |
The International Journal of Marine & Coastal Law (LJI) (Now I.J.M.C.L.)* | T.I.J.M.C.L. | 1993, 8(1) - 1994, 9(2) | 12.50pa |
Turner Kenneth Brown European Legal Information Service (LJI-EU)* | T.K.B.E.L.I.S. | 1993, Spr - 1995, Sum | CLA exc |
Trust Law & Practice (LJI) (Now Tru. L.I.)* | T.L. & P. | 1986, 1(1) - 1990, 4(4) | CLA exc |
Travel Law Journal (LJI) (Now I.T.L.J.)* | T.L.J. | 1994, 1 - 1996, 4 | 2.50pa |
Transport Law & Policy (LJI)* | T.L.P. | 1996, 1(1) - Jan/Feb 2005 | CLA exc |
Telecoms Law Today (LJI) (Now IT L.T.)* | T.L.T. | 2001, 1(1) - 2002, 2(2) | 5.10pa |
Tax Management International Forum (LJI) | T.M.I.F. | 2003, 24(3) - | 6.00pa |
Tolley's National Insurance Brief (LJI)* | T.N.I.B. | 1995, 4(1) - 1997, 6(7) | CLA exc |
Transnational Organized Crime (LJI)* | T.O.C. | 1995, 1(1) - 1999, 5(2) | 13.00pa |
Tolley's Overseas Tax Reporter (LJI) (Now I.T. Rep.)* | T.O.T.R. | 1993, 4(1) - 1994, 5(10) | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical Audit & Accounting (LJI) | T.P.A. & A. | 1999, 10(6) - | CLA exc |
Towers Perrin Headlines (FJI)* | T.P.H. | 1993, Jun - 1994, Dec | CLA exc |
Tax Planning International e-commerce (LJI) | T.P.I. e-commerce | 1998, 1(1) - 2003, 5(6) | 6.00pa |
Tax Planning International Asia-Pacific Focus (LJI) | T.P.I.A.P.F. | 2000, 3(1) - 2002, 6(1) | 6.00pa |
Tax Planning International European Union Focus (LJI) | T.P.I.E.U.F. | 1998, 1(1) - 2006, 8(12) | 6.00pa |
Tax Planning International Indirect Taxes (LJI) | T.P.I.I.T. | 2003, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Tax Planning International Review (LJI) | T.P.I.R. | 1997, 24(5) - | 6.00pa |
Tax Planning International Transfer Pricing (LJI) | T.P.I.T.P. | 2001, 2(1) - | 6.00pa |
Towers Perrin International Update (FJI)* | T.P.I.U. | 1993, Oct 26 - 1994, 6 | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical NIC (LJI) (Now T.N.I.B.)* | T.P.N. | 1992, 1(6) - 1994, 3(12) | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical NIC Newsletter (LJI) | T.P.N.N. | 2001, 10(2) - | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical NIC Service (LJI) (Now T.P.N.N.)* | T.P.N.S. | 1997, 6(8) - 2001, 10(2) | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical Tax (LJI) (Now T.P.T.S.)* | T.P.T. | 1986, 7(1) - 1997, 18(26) | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical Tax Newsletter (LJI) | T.P.T.N. | 2001, 22(3) - | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical Tax Service (LJI) (Now T.P.T.N.)* | T.P.T.S. | 1998, 19(1) - 2001, 22(2) | CLA exc |
Towers Perrin Update (FJI)* | T.P.U. | 1993, 1 - 1994, 12 | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical VAT (LJI) (Now T.P.V.S.)* | T.P.V. | 1987, 1(1) - 1997, 11(12) | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical VAT Newsletter (LJI) | T.P.V.N. | 2001, 15(1) - | CLA exc |
Tolley's Practical VAT Service (LJI) (Now T.P.V.N.)* | T.P.V.S. | 1998, 12(1) - 2000, 14(12) | CLA exc |
Trust Quarterly Review (LJI)* | T.Q.R. | 2003, 1(1) - 2004, 2(1) | 6.00pa |
Tolley's Tax Investigation (LJI) (Now Tax.)* | T.T.I. | 1990, 1(1) - 1993, 3(11) | CLA exc |
Trademark World (LJI) | T.W. | 1991, 33 - | 5.10pa |
The Association of Corporate Trustees Review (LJI)* | TACT Review | 1999, 6(Jan) - 2002, 21(Oct) | 6.00pa |
Tax and Investment (LJI)* | Tax & Inv. | 1991, 3(1) - 1991, 3(1) | 6.00pa |
Tax Adviser (LJI) | Tax A. | 2000, Jan - | CLA exc |
Tax Briefing (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | Tax B. | 1999, 35(Mar) - | 6.00pa |
Tax Business (LJI) | Tax Bus. | 2004, 1(May/Jun) - | CLA exc |
Tax Commentary (LJI-IR LJI-EU)* | Tax C. | 1996, 4(1) - 1996, 4(1) | 6.00pa |
Tax Journal (LJI) | Tax J. | 1989, 1 - | CLA exc |
Tax Practice Notes (LJI) (Now Tax C.)* | Tax P.N. | 1993, 1(1) - 1995, 3(2) | 6.00pa |
Taxation (LJI) | Tax. | 1986, 116(3027) - | CLA exc |
Taxation International (LJI)* | Tax. Int. | 1988, Sep - 1990, Sep | CLA exc |
Taxation Practitioner (LJI) (Now Tax A.)* | Tax. P. | 1991, Jan - 1999, Dec | 6.00pa |
Taxline (LJI) | Taxline | 2000, 1 - | 6.00pa |
The Sentence (LJI) | The Sentence | 2004, 1(Sept) - | 6.00pa |
Theoretical Criminology (LJI) | Theo. Crim. | 1997, 1(1) - | 14.50pa |
Tort and Insurance Law Journal (FJI) | Tort & Ins. L.J. | 1992, 28(1) - 1995, 30(2) | 10.00pa |
Tort Law Review | Tort. L.R. | 5.00pa | |
Trusts & Estates (LJI) | Tr. & Est. | 1986, 1(1) - | 5.10pa |
Trading Law Reports (CCC)* | Tr. L.R. | 1989, - 1999, Sep/Oct | CLA exc |
Trading Law & Trading Law Reports (LJI)* | Tr. Law | 1995, 14(1) - 1999, 18(5) | CLA exc |
Trading Law (LJI) (Now Tr. Law)* | Trad. L. | 1986, 5(1) - 1994, 10(4) | 5.00pa |
Transport Law & Policy (LJI) (Now T.L.P.)* | Trans. L. & P. | 1994, 1(1) - 1996, 4(2) | CLA exc |
Trent Law Journal (LJI) (Now Nott. L.J.)* | Trent L.J. | 1985, 9 - 1987, 11 | 5.00pa |
Tribunals (LJI) | Tribunals | 1994, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Trusts & Estates Law Journal (LJI) (Now T.E.L. & T.J.)* | Tru. & E.L.J. | 1998, 2 - 2004, 53 | CLA exc |
Trust Law International (LJI) | Tru. L.I. | 1991, 5(1) - | 5.00pa |
Trustee (FJI) (Now P.P.)* | Trustee | 1995, Jan - 1995, Jul | 1.30pa |