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Price list of all journals indexed in S&M/CLI publications



*Indicates a journal that has ceased publication; changed its name or we no longer subscribe.
+Indicates a new title added this month.
CLA excIndicates that articles from the journal are not able to be copied
(FJI)Indicates a journal indexed in Financial Journals Index and appearing in the FJI database
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(Irl)Indicates an Irish published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index
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title abbrev cov price
Development & Planning (LJI)* D. & P. 1989, - 1989 6.00pa
Defense Counsel Journal (FJI)* D.C.J. 1992, 59(1) - 1993, 60(4) 6.00pa
Due Diligence & Risk Management (LJI)* D.D. & R.M. 2000, 1(1) - 2002, 3(4) 5.00pa
Digital Evidence Journal (LJI) D.E.J. 2006, 1 6.00pa
Derivatives & Financial Instruments (LJI-EU) D.F.I. 1999, 1(1) - 6.00pa
Denton Hall Burgin & Warren Film & Television Newsletter (LJI-EU) (Now D.I.F.T. News.)* D.H.B. & W. F. & T. News. 1993, 3(Apr) - 1994, 8(Feb) CLA exc
Denton Hall Energy Law (LJI-EU)* D.H.E.L. 1993, 1 - 1997, 11 CLA exc
Denton Hall Employment Newsletter (FJI)* D.H.E.N. 1992, 11(Nov) - 1994, 13(Jan) CLA exc
Denton Hall Information Technology Newsletter (LJI-EU) (Now D.H.T.I. News.)* D.H.I.T. News. 1993, 5 CLA exc
Denton Hall Pensions Newsletter (FJI)* D.H.P.N. 1992, 4(Aug) CLA exc
Denton Hall The Interface Newsletter (LJI-EU)* D.H.T.I. News. 1993, Dec - 1995, Jan CLA exc
Denton International Banking & Finance Newsletter (LJI-EU)* D.I. Bank. & F.N. 1993, 10 - 1997, 21 CLA exc
Denton International Competition and EC Newsletter (LJI-EU)* D.I. Comp. & EC N. 1993, 12 - 1996, 18 CLA exc
Denton International Film & Television Newsletter (LJI-EU)* D.I. F.T. News. 1993, 5(Jan) - 1997, 19(Sep) CLA exc
Denton International Creative Spark (LJI-EU)* D.I.C.S. 1994, 6(Jan) - 1994, 7(Jul) CLA exc
Daily List D.L. 1994 - 5.00pa
Dibb Lupton Broomhead Business Brief (LJI-EU)* D.L.B. Bus. Brief 1993, Spr - 1993, Sum CLA exc
Discrimination Law Reports (CCC)* D.L.R. 1999, - 6.00pa
Domain Names Quarterly (LJI)* D.N.Q. 2002, 1(Spr) - 2002, 3(Aut) 5.10pa
Data Protection and Privacy Practice (LJI) (Now D.P.Q.)* D.P. & P.P. 1999, 1 - 2007, 18 6.00pa
Data Protection Law & Policy (LJI) D.P.L. & P. 2004, 1(1) - 12.00pa
Data Protection Quarterly (LJI) D.P.Q. 2007, 19 6.00pa
Dublin University Law Journal (LJI-IR LJI-EU) D.U.L.J. 1993, 15 - 5.00pa
DLi University College Galway Law Graduates Association Gazette (LJI-IR LJI-EU)* DLi 1992, 7 - 1995, 9 6.00pa
Data Base Reports (FJI) (Now I.I.U.)* Data Base Reps. 1992, 6.00pa
De Voil Indirect Tax Intelligence (LJI) De Voil I.T.I. 1996, 2 - CLA exc
Denning Law Journal (LJI)* Denning L.J. 1986, - 2000 6.00pa