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Price list of all journals indexed in S&M/CLI publications
* | Indicates a journal that has ceased publication; changed its name or we no longer subscribe. |
+ | Indicates a new title added this month. |
CLA exc | Indicates that articles from the journal are not able to be copied |
(FJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Financial Journals Index and appearing in the FJI database |
(LJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Legal Journals Index and appearing in the LJI database |
(ELJI) | Indicates a European published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(Irl) | Indicates an Irish published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(CCC) | Indicates a journal indexed only in Current Law Monthly Digest |
title | abbrev | cov | price |
Consumer & Commercial Contracts (LJI)* | C. & C.C. | 1997, 1(1) - 1997, 1(1) | 6.00pa |
Central and East European Business Law Bulletin (LJI)* | C. & E.E.B.L.B. | 1992, 3(2) - 1994, 4(2) | CLA exc |
Construction & Engineering Law (LJI)* | C. & E.L. | 1996, 1(1) - 2004 8(4) | 5.00pa |
Credit and Finance Law (LJI FJI) (Now F. & C.L.)* | C. & F.L. | 1988, 1 - 1999, 11(3) | 5.10pa |
Child & Family Law Update (LJI) | C. & F.L.U. | 1998, 1(Mar) - | 6.00pa |
Central Banking (FJI)* | C. Bank. | 1993, 3(3) - 2006, 16(3) | 6.00pa |
CMS Cameron McKenna Environment Law Bulletin (LJI) | C. McK. Env. L.B. | 1997, Jul - 2004 Oct | 6.00pa |
Clinical Risk (LJI) | C. Risk | 1998, 4(1) - | 6.00pa |
Certified Accountant (FJI) (Now A. & B.)* | C.A. | 1993, 85(Jan) - 1997, 89(12) | 6.00pa |
Chartered Accountant Magazine (FJI)* | C.A. Mag. | 1993, 97(1038) - 2006, 110(1194) | 6.00pa |
Chartered Building Societies Institute Journal (FJI) (Now B.W.)* | C.B.S.I. Jour. | 1993, 46(215) - 1993, 47(218) | 6.00pa |
Corporate Cover (FJI) (Now Reactions)* | C.C. | 1992, Jan - 1996, Jan/Feb | 10.00pa |
Cargo Claims Analysis (LJI)* | C.C.A. | 1988, 5(8) - 1989, 6(8) | 6.00pa |
Clifford Chance Benefits and Employment Bulletin (FJI)* | C.C.B. & E.B. | 1992, 5 - 1993, Oct | CLA exc |
Child Care Forum (LJI)* | C.C.F. | 1995, 4(Jul) - 1998, 34(Mar) | 6.00pa |
Commercial Conflict of Laws (LJI)* | C.C.L. | 2002, 1(6) - 2003, 2(6) | 5.10pa |
Community Care Law Reports (CCC) | C.C.L. Rep. | 1998, - | 8.00pa |
Carbon & Climate Law Review (LJI) | C.C.L. Rev. | 2007, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Consumer Credit Law Reports (CCC)* | C.C.L.R. | 1994, - 2000 | 5.00pa |
Clifford Chance Media Law Review (LJI-EU)* | C.C.M.L.R. | 1993, 1 - 1997, 97 | CLA exc |
Chambers Client Report (LJI) | C.C.R. | 2004, 1(Jul/Aug) | 6.00pa |
Clinical Disputes Forum Newsletter (LJI)* | C.D.F.N. | 1999, 1(Aug) - 1999, 1(Aug) | 6.00pa |
Central European (LJI-EU)* | C.E. | 1993, 20 - 1993, 29 | 10.00pa |
European Community Cases (CCC) | C.E.C. | 1996, - | 5.00pa |
Corporate Finance (LJI)* | C.F. | 1993, 99 - 2005, 243 | 10.00pa |
Company Financial and Insolvency Law Review (LJI) (Now F. & C.L.)* | C.F.I.L.R. | 1997, 1(1) - 2000, 3(Dec) | 5.10pa |
Child and Family Law Quarterly (LJI) | C.F.L.Q. | 1995, 7(2) - | 6.00pa |
Corporate Governance (LJI) | C.G. | 1999, 7(1) - | 0.50pp |
Capital Gains Tax Brief (LJI)* | C.G.T.B. | 1993, 1(1) - 1993, 1(2) | 6.00pa |
Commonwealth Human Rights Law Digest (LJI) | C.H.R.L.D. | 1996, 1 - | 6.00pa |
Captive Insurance Company Reports (FJI)* | C.I.C. Reps. | 1992, Jan - 1994, Dec | 6.00pa |
Captive Insurance Company Review (FJI)* | C.I.C. Rev. | 1992, Jan - 1994, Dec - 1999, Apr - 2005, Oct | 6.00pa |
Chartered Insurance Institute Journal (FJI)* | C.I.I. Jour. | 1992, Jan - 2002, Mar | 6.00pa |
Contemporary Issues in Law (LJI) | C.I.L. | 1998, 3(1) - | 6.00pa |
Construction Industry Law Letter (LJI) | C.I.L.L. | 1986, Jan - | 5.10pa |
Chartered Institute of Patent Agents Journal (LJI) | C.I.P.A.J. | 1995, 25(1) - | 6.00pa |
Contract Journal (LJI) | C.J. | 2002, 30(Jan) - | 6.00pa |
Civil Justice Quarterly (LJI) | C.J.Q. | 1986, 5(Jan) - | 5.00pa |
Commercial Judicial Review Bulletin (LJI) | C.J.R.B. | 1995, 1(1) - 1996, 1(3) | 17.00pa |
Computer Law & Practice (LJI) (Now Comms. L.)* | C.L. & P. | 1986, 2(3) - 1995, 11(6) | CLA exc |
Charity Law and Practice Review (LJI) | C.L. & P.R. | 1992/93, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Commercial Law Practitioner (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | C.L. Pract. | 1994, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Commonwealth Law Bulletin (LJI) | C.L.B. | 1986, 12(1) - | 6.00pa |
Commercial Law Cases (CCC) | C.L.C. | 1996, - | 5.00pa |
Company Lawyer (LJI)* | C.L.D. | 1988, 9(3) - 1993, 14(12) | 5.00pa |
Commercial Law of Europe (CCC) | C.L.E. | 1978, - | 5.00pa |
Commonwealth Legal Education Association Newsletter (LJI)* | C.L.E.A. Newsletter | 1986, 44 -1991, 64/65 | 6.00pa |
Commodity Law International (LJI)* | C.L.I. | 1988, 1(1) - 1990, 2(11) | 6.00pa |
Cambridge Law Journal (LJI) | C.L.J. | 1986, 45(1) - | 10.00pa |
Corporate Legal Letter (LJI) (Now C.L.M.)* | C.L.L. | 1992, 15(1) - 1992, 15(12) | 5.10pa |
Commercial Liability Law Review (LJI) (Now Ins. L.M.)* | C.L.L. Rev. | 2000, 1(Feb) - 2001, 2(May) | 5.10pa |
Company Law Monitor (LJI) (Now Corp. Brief.)* | C.L.M. | 1993, 1(1) - 1996, 4(3) | 5.10pa |
Current Law Monthly Digest (CCC) | C.L.M.D. | 1996, - | 5.00pa |
Construction Law Newsletter (LJI)* | C.L.N. | 1997, 1(May) - 1998, 13(Nov) | 5.10pa |
Current Legal Problems (LJI)* | C.L.P. | 1986, 39 - 2004, 57 | 6.00pa |
Computer Law & Security Report (LJI) | C.L.S.R. | 1986, 1(5) - | 19.00pa |
Current Law Week (LJI) | C.L.W. | 1995, 1 - | 5.00pa |
Common Law World Review (LJI) | C.L.W.R. | 2001, 30(1) - | 6.00pa |
Current Law Year Book (CCC) | C.L.Y. | 1948, - | 5.00pa |
Compliance Monitor (LJI) | C.M. | 1992, 4(8) - | 5.10pa |
Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports (FJI)* | C.M.I.R. | 1993, 13 - 1993, 13 | 6.00pa |
Common Market Law Review (LJI-EU) | C.M.L. Rev. | 1993, 30(1) - | CLA exc |
Capital Markets Law Journal (LJI) | C.M.L.J. | 2007 2(1) - | 5.00pa |
Council Mortgage Lenders News Update (FJI)* | C.M.L.N.U. | 1994, 1 - 1996, 27 | 6.00pa |
Common Market Law Reports (CCC) | C.M.L.R. | 1962, - | 5.00pa |
Common Markets Law Reports (CCC) | C.M.L.R. (AR) | 1997, 3(1146) - | 5.00pa |
Construction Newsletter (LJI) | C.N. | 2005, Dec | 5.00pa |
Crown Office Digest (CCC) (Now A.C.D.)* | C.O.D. | 1988, - 2000, | 5.00pa |
Civil Procedure Reports (CCC) | C.P. Rep. | 2000, - | 5.00pa |
Consumer Policy Review (LJI) | C.P. Rev. | 1993, 3(1) - | CLA exc |
Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters Journal (FJI)* | C.P.C.U. Jour. | 1992, 45(3) - 1994, 47(1) | 6.00pa |
Conveyancing and Property Law Journal (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | C.P.L.J. | 1996, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Civil Practice Law Reports (CCC) | C.P.L.R. | 1999, 1 - | 5.00pa |
Civil Procedure News (LJI) | C.P.N. | 1999, 1(Mar) - | 5.00pa |
Corporate Rescue and Insolvency (LJI) | C.R. & I. | 2008, 1(1) - | CLA exc |
Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (LJI) | C.R.N.I. | 2007, 2(1) - | 6.00pa |
Corporate Solutions (FJI)* | C.S. | 1998, 1(Mar) - 2000, 10(Jun) | 6.00pa |
Credit Suisse Bulletin (FJI)* | C.S. Bull. | 1993, 1 - 1995, 4 | 6.00pa |
Company Secretary's Review (LJI) | C.S.R. | 1995, 18(19) - | CLA exc |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (LJI)* | C.S.R. & E.M. | 2002, 9(1) - 2006, 13(5) | 17.00pa |
Chartered Surveyor Weekly (LJI) (Now P. Week)* | C.S.W. | 1988, 22(1) - 1994, 46(7) | 6.00pa |
Capital Taxes and Estate Planning Quarterly (LJI) (Now P.C.B.)* | C.T. & E.P.Q. | 1988, 1 - 1992, 4 | 5.00pa |
Capital Taxes News & Reports (LJI) (Now C.T.P.)* | C.T. News & Reps. | 1986, 7(2) - 1991, 10(10) | 5.00pa |
Computer and Telecommunications Law Review (LJI) | C.T.L.R. | 1995, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Capital Tax Planning (LJI)* | C.T.P. | 1991, 10(11) - 2004 23(10) | 5.00pa |
Corporate Tax Review (LJI) | C.T.R. | 1998, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Copyright World (LJI) | C.W. | 1991, 14 - | 5.10pa |
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (LJI-EU)* | C.Y.E.L.S. | 1998, 1 - 2001, 4 | 6.50pa |
Criminal Justice Europe (LJI-EU)* | CJ Europe | 1993, 3(1) - 1996, 6(6) | 6.00pa |
Cambrian Law Review (LJI) | Cambrian L.R. | 1984, 15 - | 6.00pa |
Canadian Insurance (FJI) | Can. Ins. | 1992, 97(1) -1998, 103(13) | 1.30pa |
Canadian Journal of Life Insurance (FJI)* | Can. J.L.I. | 1991, 10(56) - 1993, 11(61) | CLA exc |
Capital Taxes (LJI) (Now C.T. & E.P.Q.)* | Cap. Tax. | 1986, 1 - 1987, 4 | 5.00pa |
Law Reports Chancery Division (CCC) | Ch. | 1995, - | 6.00pa |
Charities Management (LJI)* | Charities M. | 1994, 8(Spr) - 2001, 31(Aut) | 12.00pa |
Charter-Party International (LJI)* | Chart. I. | 1988, 4(11) - 1989, 5(11) | 5.00pa |
Childright (LJI) | Childright | 1986, 23 - | 6.00pa |
Civil Litigation (LJI)* | Civ. Lit. | 1999, 1(1) - 1999, 1(2) | 5.00pa |
Civil Practice Bulletin (LJI) | Civ. P.B. | 1995, 1(Jan) - | 5.00pa |
Clarity (LJI) | Clarity | 1983, 1 - | 6.00pa |
Company Accountant (LJI FJI) (Now Int. Acc.)* | Co. Acc. | 1997, 136 - 2002, 170 | 6.00pa |
Company Law Digest (LJI)* | Co. L. Dig. | 1986, 4(1) - 1987, 5(4) | CLA exc |
Commercial Litigation Journal (LJI) | Co. L.J. | 2005, 1 - | CLA exc |
Commonwealth Judicial Journal (LJI) | Com. Jud. J. | 1986, 6(3) - | 6.00pa |
Commonwealth Law Librarian (LJI)* | Com. L.L. | 1992, 1(1) - 1993, 2(1/2) | 6.00pa |
The Commonwealth Lawyer (LJI) | Com. Lawyer | 2004, 13(1) - | 6.00pa |
Communications International (FJI)* | Comm. Int. | 2002, Mar - 2002, Dec | 6.00pa |
Commercial Law Journal (LJI) (Now I.H.L.)* | Comm. L.J. | 1998, 1 - 2001, 28 | CLA exc |
Commercial Lawyer (LJI) (Now C.C.R.)* | Comm. Law. | 1995, 1(1) - 2004, 66 | 6.00pa |
Commercial Leases (LJI) | Comm. Leases | 1987, 1(1) - | 5.10pa |
Commercial Property (LJI) (Now E.P.S.)* | Comm. Prop. | 1998, 1(1) - 2002, 5(3) | 5.00pa |
Communications Law (LJI) | Comms. L. | 1996, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Competition Law Review (LJI) | Comp. L. Rev. | 2004, 1(1) | 0.00pa |
Competition Law Insight (LJI) | Comp. L.I. | 2002, 1 - | 5.10pa |
Competition Law Journal (LJI) | Comp. L.J. | 2002, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Competition Law Monitor (LJI)* | Comp. L.M. | 2001, 1(1) - 2003, 3(6) | 5.10pa |
Competition Law in the European Communities (LJI)* | Comp. Law E.C. | 1986, 9(1) - 2003 26(11) | CLA exc |
Company Lawyer (LJI) | Comp. Law. | 1980, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Computers & Law (LJI) | Comps. & Law | 1986, 47 - | 6.00pa |
Construction Law Digest (LJI)* | Con. L.D. | 1992, 10(10) - 1993, 11(2) | CLA exc |
Construction Law Reports (CCC) | Con. L.R. | 1995, - | CLA exc |
Consumer and Marketing Law (LJI)* | Cons. & Mar. Law | 1986, 3(10) - 1994, 12(4) | 5.10pa |
Consumer Law Today (LJI) | Cons. L. Today | 1993, 16(1) - | 5.10pa |
Construction Law (LJI) | Cons. Law | 1990, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
Construction Law Journal (LJI CCC) | Const. L.J. | 1986, 2(1) - | 5.00pa |
Constitutional Reform (LJI)* | Const. Ref. | 1986, 1 - 1987, 2 | 6.00pa |
Consumer Law Journal (LJI-EU)* | Consum. L.J. | 1993, 1(1) - 2000, 8(3/4) | 6.00pa |
Consumer Credit (FJI)* | Consumer C. | 1993, 47(5) - 1996, 51(4) | 6.00pa |
Conveyancer and Property Lawyer (LJI CCC) | Conv. | 1986, Jan/Feb - | 5.00pa |
Corporate Briefing (LJI) | Corp. Brief. | 1987, 1(3) - | 5.10pa |
Corporate Counsel (LJI) (Now Comm. Law.)* | Corp. C. | 1997, 1 - 2000, 22 | 6.00pa |
Costs Law Reports (CCC) | Costs L.R. | 1997, - | 5.00pa |
Counsel (LJI) | Counsel | 1986, 1(1) - | CLA exc |
Criminal Appeal Reports (CCC) | Cr. App. R. | 1909, 1 - | 5.00pa |
Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing) (CCC) | Cr. App. R. (S.) | 1979, 1 - | 5.00pa |
Criminal Law Bulletin (LJI) | Crim. L.B. | 1993, 1(Feb) - | 5.00pa |
Criminal Law Review (LJI CCC) | Crim. L.R. | 1954, Jan - | 5.00pa |
Criminal Law Week (LJI) | Crim. L.W. | 2008, 1 | 5.00pa |
Criminal Lawyer (LJI) | Crim. Law. | 1989, 0 - | 5.00pa |
Criminologist (LJI)* | Criminologist | 1987, 11(1) - 1998, 22(4) | CLA exc |