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Price list of all journals indexed in S&M/CLI publications



*Indicates a journal that has ceased publication; changed its name or we no longer subscribe.
+Indicates a new title added this month.
CLA excIndicates that articles from the journal are not able to be copied
(FJI)Indicates a journal indexed in Financial Journals Index and appearing in the FJI database
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title abbrev cov price
Journal of Civil Liberties (LJI) J. Civ. Lib. 1996, 1(1) - 2003, 8(3) 6.00pa
Journal of Common Market Studies (LJI) J. Com. Mar. St. 1985, 24(1) - 0.50pp
Journal of Criminal Law (LJI) J. Crim. L. 1986, 50(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law (LJI) (Now J.E.R.L.)* J. En. & Nat. Res. L. 1986, 4(1) - 1998, 6(4) 5.00pa
Journal of Environmental Law (LJI) J. Env. L. 1989, 1(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of International Arbitration (LJI) J. Int. Arb. 1993, 10(1) - 2003, 20(6) CLA exc
Journal of International Trust and Corporate Planning (LJI) (Now J.T.C.P.)* J. Int. P. 1992, 1(1) - 1997, 6(4) 6.00pa
Journal of Law and Society (LJI) J. Law & Soc. 1986, 13(1) - 0.50pp
Journal of Legal History (LJI) J. Leg. Hist. 1986, 7(1) - 13.00pa
Journal of Private International Law (LJI) J. Priv. Int. L. 2005, 1(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of Property Finance (LJI FJI) J. Prop. Fin. 1990, 1(1) - 1996, 7(4) 15.00pa
Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law (LJI)* J. Soc. Wel. & Fam. L. 1991, 1 - 0.50pp
Journal of Social Welfare Law (LJI) (Now J. Soc. Wel. & Fam. L.)* J. Soc. Wel. L. 1986, Jan - 1990, 6 5.00pa
Journal of Armed Conflict Law (LJI) (Now J.C.& S.L.)* J.A.C.L. 1996, 1(2) - 1999, 4(2) 6.00pa
Journal of African Law (LJI) J.A.L. 1986, 28(1) - 10.00pa
Journal of ADR, Mediation and Negotiation (LJI)* J.A.M.N. 2001, 1(1) - 2001, 1(4) 5.00pa
Journal of Business Law (LJI) J.B.L. 1986, Jan - 5.00pa
Journal of Banking Regulation (LJI) J.B.R. 2005, 6(2) - 6.00pa
Journal of Conflict & Security Law (LJI) J.C. & S.L. 2000, 5(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of Child Law (LJI) (Now C.F.L.Q.)* J.C.L. 1988, 1(1) - 1995, 7(1) CLA exc
Journal of Competition Law & Economics (LJI) J.C.L. & E. 2006, 2(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education (LJI) J.C.L.L.E. 2003, 2(1) - 0.50pp
Journal of Competition Law & Policy (LJI-EU) J.C.L.P. 2000, 2(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Corporate Law Studies (LJI) J.C.L.S. 2001, 1(1) 6.50pa
Journal of Consumer Policy (LJI-EU) J.C.P. 1993, 16(1) - 1995, 18(4) 16.75pa
Journal of Civil Practice and Procedure (LJI-IR) J.C.P.P. 2005, 1(1) - 5.00pa
Journal of Electronic Commerce Law & Practice (LJI)* J.E.C.L. & P. 2000, Jan - 2001, Apr CLA exc
Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law (LJI) J.E.E.P.L. 2007, Vol.1(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Employment Law & Practice (LJI) (Now T.E.L.P.)* J.E.L.P. 1993, 1(1) - 1995, 2(1) CLA exc
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies (LJI) J.E.L.S. 2004, 1(1) - 0.50pp
Journal of European Public Policy (LJI-EU)* J.E.P.P. 1994, 1(1) - 1994, 1(3) 0.50pp
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law (LJI) J.E.R.L. 1989, 7(1) - 5.00pa
Journal of Financial Crime (LJI) J.F.C. 1997, 5(1) - 25.00pa
Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (LJI) J.F.R. & C. 1994, 2(1) - 15.00pa
Journal of Financial Services Marketing (FJI) J.F.S.M. 1996, 1(1) - 2001, 6(2) 6.00pa
Jersey and Guernsey Law Review (LJI) J.G.L.R. 2007, 11(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Housing Law (LJI) J.H.L. 1997, 1(1) - 5.00pa
Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (FJI) (Now B.A.J.)* J.I.A. 1992, 119(1) - 1994, 121(1) 6.00pa
Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law (LJI) J.I.A.N.L. 2006, 20(3) - 5.00pa
Journal of International Biotechnology Law (LJI-EU) J.I.B. Law 2005, Vol.2(1) - 10.00pa
Journal of International Banking Law (LJI) (Now J.I.B.L.R.)* J.I.B.L. 1986, 1(1) - 2002, 18(1) 5.00pa
Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation (LJI) J.I.B.L.R. 2003, 18(3) - 5.00pa
Journal of International Banking Regulation (LJI) (Now J.B.R.)* J.I.B.R. 1999, 1(1) - 2004, 6(1) 10.00pa
Journal of International Criminal Justice (LJI) J.I.C.J. 2003, 1(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of International Commercial Law (LJI) J.I.C.L. 2002, 1(1) - 2004, 2(3) 6.00pa
Journal of the Institute of Credit Management (FJI) J.I.C.M. 1993, Mar - 1996, Dec 6.00pa
Journal of International Economic Law (LJI) J.I.E.L. 1998, 1(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of International Franchising & Distribution Law (LJI) (Now I.J.F.D.L.)* J.I.F.D.L. 1986, 1(1) - 1997, 11(4) CLA exc
Journal of International Financial Markets (LJI) (Now J.I.B.L.R.)* J.I.F.M. 1999, 1(1) - 2002, 4(6) 5.00pa
Journal of Information, Law & Technology (LJI) J.I.L.T. 1996, 1 - 2.50pa
Journal of International Money and Finance (FJI) J.I.M.F. 1993, 12(1) - 1993, 12(6) 19.00pa
Journal of International Maritime Law (LJI) J.I.M.L. 2003, 9(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (LJI) J.I.P.L.P. 2006, 1(1) - 16.00pa
Justice Journal (LJI) J.J. 2004, 1(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Law, Economics & Organization (LJI) J.L.E. & O. 2004, 20(1) - 16.00pa
Journal of Local Government Law (LJI)* J.L.G.L. 1998, 1(1) - 2003, 6(6) 5.00pa
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (LJI) J.L.M &. E. 2008, Spr - 0.50pp
Journal of Legislative Studies (LJI) J.L.S. 1995, 1(1) - 13.00pa
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland (LJI) J.L.S.S. 1986, 31(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (FJI) J.M.C.B. 1993, 25(1) - 1995, 27(4) 22.00pa
Journal of Mental Health Law (LJI) J.M.H.L. 2004, Sep 5.00pa
Journal of Media Law and Practice (LJI) (Now Comms. L.)* J.M.L. & P. 1986, 7(1) - 1995, 16(4) CLA exc
Journal of Money Laundering Control (LJI) J.M.L.C. 1997, 1(1) - 25.00pa
Journal of Network Industries (LJI-EU) (Now C.R.N.I.)* J.N.I. 2000, 1(1) - 2003, 4(4) CLA exc
Journal of Obligations and Remedies (LJI) J.O. & R. 2004, 1 - 2004, 1 6.00pa
Justice of the Peace & Local Government Law (LJI) J.P. 1986, 150(1) - CLA exc
Journal of Personal Injury Law (LJI) J.P.I. Law 2000, 2/3 - 5.00pa
Journal of Personal Injury Litigation (LJI) (Now J.P.I. Law)* J.P.I.L. 1994, Apr - 2000, 1 5.00pa
Journal of Planning & Environment Law (LJI CCC) J.P.L. 1986, Jan - 5.00pa
Journal of Pensions Management (LJI FJI) (Now Pensions)* J.P.M. 1995, 1(1) - 7(4) 25.00pa
Journal of Pensions Management & Marketing (LJI FJI) (Now J.P.M.)* J.P.M. & M. 1997, 3(1) - 1998, 3(4) 25.00pa
Justice of the Peace & Local Government Law (CCC) J.P.N. 1993, - CLA exc
Judicial Review (LJI) J.R. 1996, 1(1) - 6.50pa
Journal of Risk and Insurance (FJI)* J.R. & I. 1992, 59(1) - 1995, 61(4) 16.00pa
Journal of Refugee Studies (LJI) J.R.S. 2006, 19(1) - 13.00pa
Judicial Studies Board Journal (LJI)* J.S.B.J. 1997, 1 - 2000, 10 6.00pa
Journal of the Society of Fellows (FJI)* J.S.F. 1992, 6(2) - 1998, 12(2) 6.00pa
Journal of Social Security Law (LJI) J.S.S.L. 1994, 1 - 5.00pa
Journal of International Trust & Corporate Planning (LJI) J.T.C.P. 1999, 7(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of World Intellectual Property (LJI) J.W.I.P. 2006, 9(1) - 0.50pp
Journal of World Trade (LJI) J.W.T. 1993, 27(1) - CLA exc
Journal of World Trade Law (LJI) (Now J.W.T.)* J.W.T.L. 1986, 20(1) - 1987, 21(6) 16.00pa
Jersey Law Review (LJI) (Now J.G.L.R.)* Jersey L.R. 1997, 1(1) - 6.00pa
Journal of General Management (FJI) Jour. G.M. 1992, 18(1) - 1993, 19(1) 6.00pa
Juridical Review (LJI) Jur. Rev. 1986, 1 - 5.00pa