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Price list of all journals indexed in S&M/CLI publications
* | Indicates a journal that has ceased publication; changed its name or we no longer subscribe. |
+ | Indicates a new title added this month. |
CLA exc | Indicates that articles from the journal are not able to be copied |
(FJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Financial Journals Index and appearing in the FJI database |
(LJI) | Indicates a journal indexed in Legal Journals Index and appearing in the LJI database |
(ELJI) | Indicates a European published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(Irl) | Indicates an Irish published journal indexed in Legal Journals Index |
(CCC) | Indicates a journal indexed only in Current Law Monthly Digest |
title | abbrev | cov | price |
Information & Communications Technology Law (LJI) | I. & C.T.L. | 1996, 5(1) - | 0.50pp |
Immigration & Nationality Law & Practice (LJI) (Now I.A.N.L.)* | I. & N.L. & P. | 1986, 1(1) - 2000, 14(4) | CLA exc |
Investment & Pensions Europe (FJI) | I. & P.E. | 1997, 1 - 2001, 5(11) | 6.00pa |
Insurance & Reinsurance Law Briefing (LJI) | I. & R.L.B. | 2004, 87(Jan) | 5.00pa |
Interights Bulletin (LJI) | I. Bull. | 1988, 3(1) - | 6.00pa |
Intellectual Property (LJI) (Now I.P. & I.T. Law)* | I. Prop. | 1996, 1(1) - 1997, 2(6) | 5.00pa |
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law (LJI) (Now J.I.A.N.L.)* | I.A.N.L. | 2001, 15(1) - 2006, 20(2) | 5.00pa |
International Banking and Financial Law (LJI FJI) (Now J.I.B.L.)* | I.B.F.L. | 1991, 10(1) - 1998, 17(4) | 5.00pa |
International Business Lawyer (LJI)* | I.B.L. | 1986, 14(1) - 2004, 32(6) | 5.10pa |
International Business Law Journal (LJI) | I.B.L.J. | 2008, 2 | 5.00pa |
Irish Business Law Quarterly (LJI) | I.B.L.Q. | 2005, 1(1) - | CLA exc |
Irish Banking Review (FJI)* | I.B.R. | 1993, Spr - 1998, Win | 6.00pa |
Investors Chronicle (FJI) | I.C. | 1992, 102(1293) - 1994, 107(1358) | CLA exc |
International Commercial Litigation (LJI)* | I.C. Lit. | 1995, Jun - 1999, Jun | 10.00pa |
International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal (LJI)* | I.C.C.L.J. | 1999, 1(1) - 2002, 4(4) | 6.00pa |
International Company and Commercial Law Review (LJI) | I.C.C.L.R. | 1990, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
International Corporate Law (LJI) (Now I.C. Lit.)* | I.C.L. | 1991, 1 - 1995, May | 10.00pa |
International Construction Law Review (LJI) | I.C.L. Rev. | 1986, 3(1) - | 5.10pa |
International Corporate Law Bulletin (LJI) | I.C.L.B. | 1998, 1(1) - 1998, 1(4) | 16.00pa |
Irish Criminal Law Journal (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | I.C.L.J. | 1992, 2(1) - | 5.00pa |
International & Comparative Law Quarterly (LJI) | I.C.L.Q. | 1986, 35(1) - | 10.00pa |
Industrial Cases Reports (CCC) | I.C.R. | 1993, - | 6.00pa |
Irish Employment Law Journal (LJI-IR) | I.E.L.J. | 2003, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
International Energy Law Review (LJI) | I.E.L.R. | 2008, 1 | 5.00pa |
International Energy Law & Taxation Review (LJI) (Now I.E.L.R.)* | I.E.L.T.R. | 2000, 1 - 2007, 11/12 | 5.00pa |
International Family Law (LJI) | I.F.L. | 1997, Nov - | 6.00pa |
International Financial Law Review (LJI) | I.F.L. Rev. | 1986, 5(1) - | 10.00pa |
In-House Lawyer (LJI) | I.H.L. | 1993/94, Dec/Jan - | CLA exc |
International Human Rights Reports (CCC)* | I.H.R.R. | 2002 - | 6.15pa |
Immigration and International Employment Law (LJI)* | I.I.E.L. | 2000, 1(Aut) - 2001, 6(Spr) | 6.00pa |
Insurance Industry International (FJI)* | I.I.I. | 1992, 1 - 1993, 11 | 6.00pa |
International Internet Law Review (LJI) (Now I.T.L.R.)* | I.I.L. Rev. | 2000, 1(Feb) - 2001, 13(Apr) | 10.00pa |
Irish Insurance Law Review (FJI LJI-IR LJI-EU) (Now F.S.L.J.)* | I.I.L.R. | 1997, 1(1) - 1999, 3(4) | 5.00pa |
Irish Intellectual Property Review (LJI-IR LJI-EU) (Now T.E.L.J.)* | I.I.P.R. | 1997, 1(1) - 1999, 3(3) | 5.00pa |
International Insolvency Review (LJI) | I.I.R. | 1993, 2(1) - | 17.00pa |
Insurance Issues Update (FJI)* | I.I.U. | 1992 Apr. - 1993, Jan | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Biosciences and the Law (LJI) (Now L.S. & P.)* | I.J.B.L. | 1996, 1(1) - 2001, 2(1) | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Constitutional Law (LJI) | I.J.C.L. | 2003, 1(1) - | 16.00pa |
International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (LJI) | I.J.C.L.E. | 2004, Jul - | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Communications Law and Policy (LJI) | I.J.C.L.P. | 1998, 1 - | 5.00pa |
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance (LJI) | I.J.D.G. | 2003, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Discrimination and the Law (LJI) | I.J.D.L. | 1995, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law (LJI) (Now I.J.M.C.L.)* | I.J.E.C.L. | 1986, 1(1) - 1992, 7(4) | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Law & Practice (LJI)* | I.J.E.C.L. & P. | 2000, 1(1) - 2002, 2(2) | 5.00pa |
Irish Journal of European Law (LJI-IR LJI-EU)* | I.J.E.L. | 1992, 1(1/2) - 2001, 10(1) | 5.00pa |
International Journal of Franchising and Distribution Law (LJI)* | I.J.F.D.L. | 1999, 1(1) - 2001, 3(4) | 6.15pa |
Irish Journal of Family Law (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | I.J.F.L. | 1998, 1(Nov) - | 5.00pa |
International Journal of Human Rights (LJI) | I.J.H.R. | 2004, 8(1) - | 0.50pp |
International Journal of Insurance Law (LJI FJI)* | I.J.I.L. | 1994, 1 -2000, 4 | 5.10pa |
International Journal of Law & Information Technology (LJI) | I.J.L. & I.T. | 1993, 1(1) - | 15.00pa |
International Journal of Law Crime and Justice (LJI) | I.J.L.C.J. | 2008, 36(1) - | 19.00pa |
International Journal of the Legal Profession (LJI) | I.J.L.P. | 1994, 1(1) - | 0.50pp |
International Journal of Marine & Coastal Law (LJI) | I.J.M.C.L. | 1994, 9(2) - | 13.51pa |
International Journal Of Shipping Law (LJI) (Now S.L.T.)* | I.J.O.S.L. | 1996, 1(Jan) - 2000, 2(Jun) | 5.10pa |
International Journal of Refugee Law (LJI) | I.J.R.L. | 1989, 1(1) - | 13.00pa |
International Journal of Regulatory Law & Practice (LJI) (Now J.F.R. & C.)* | I.J.R.L. & P. | 1992, 1(1) - 1993, 1(4) | 25.00pa |
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law (LJI) | I.J.S.L. | 1988, 1(1) - 1999, 12(4) | 16.00pa |
Irish Journal of Taxation (LJI-IR LJI-EU)* | I.J.T. | 1993 - 1995 | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Transitional Justice (LJI) | I.J.T.J. | 2007, 1(1) - | 23.00pa |
Insolvency Law & Practice (LJI) | I.L. & P. | 1986, 2(1) - | CLA exc |
Islamic Law and Society (LJI) | I.L. & S. | 2006, 13(1) - | 12.50pa |
International Litigation Procedure (CCC) | I.L. Pr. | 1990, - | 5.00pa |
Immigration Law Digest (LJI) | I.L.D. | 2004, 10(1) - | 6.00pa |
International Law Firm Management (LJI)* | I.L.F.M. | 1993, 1 - 1995, 12 | 10.00pa |
Industrial Law Journal (LJI) | I.L.J. | 1986, 15(1) - | 16.00pa |
International Legal Practitioner (LJI)* | I.L.P. | 1986, 11(1) - 2004, 29(3) | 5.10pa |
Irish Law Reports Monthly (LJI-IR LJI-EU)* | I.L.R.M. | 1992, 12(1) - 1997, 1(1) | 5.00pa |
Irish Law Times (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | I.L.T. | 1992, 10(1) - | 5.00pa |
Insurance: Mathematics & Economics (FJI)* | I.M. & E. | 1992, 11(1) - 1993, 13(3) | 19.00pa |
International Media Law (LJI)* | I.M.L. | 1986, 4(1) - 1999, 17(11/12) | 5.00pa |
Internet Newsletter for Lawyers (LJI) | I.N.L. | 2001, Jan/Feb - | 6.00pa |
Immigration and Nationality Law Reports (CCC) | I.N.L.R. | 1997, - | 6.00pa |
International Organizations Law Review (LJI) | I.O.L.R. | 2006, 3(1) - | 12.50pa |
International Peacekeeping (LJI-EU)* | I.P. | 1994, 1(1) - 2000, 6(4/6) | 12.50pa |
Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law (LJI) | I.P. & I.T. Law | 1998, 3(1) - | 5.00pa |
Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law Updates (LJI)* | I.P. & I.T.L.U. | 2004, 1(Jun) - 2006 6(Dec) | 5.00pa |
Intellectual Property and Technology (CCC) | I.P. & T. | 2002, | CLA exc |
Intellectual Property Business (LJI)* | I.P. Business | 1998, 1(Mar) - 1998, 3(Jul) | 5.00pa |
Intellectual Property Lawyer (LJI)* | I.P. Law. | 2000, 1(May) - 2001, 10(Mar) | 5.00pa |
Intellectual Property Newsletter (LJI) | I.P. News. | 1986, 9(1) - | 5.10pa |
Intellectual Property in Business Review (LJI) (Now M.I.P)* | I.P.B. Rev. | 1989 1(1). - 1992, 4(2) | 6.00pa |
Intellectual Property in Business Briefing (LJI) (Now M.I.P.)* | I.P.B. Rev. Brief. | 1989, 1(1) - 1992, 4(3) | 6.00pa |
Intellectual Property Decisions (CCC) | I.P.D. | 1996, - | 5.10pa |
Irish Planning and Environmental Law Journal (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | I.P.E.L.J. | 1994, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
International Pension Lawyer (LJI)* | I.P.L. | 1990, 4 - 1991, 8 | 6.00pa |
Intellectual Property Quarterly (LJI) | I.P.Q. | 1997, 1 - | 5.00pa |
Insurance & Reinsurance Law Alert (LJI) (Now I.J.I.L.)* | I.R.L.A. | 1999, 4(1) - 2000, 5(5) | 5.10pa |
Industrial Relations Law Bulletin (LJI) (Now IRS Emp. L.B.)* | I.R.L.B. | 1993, 464 - 2007, 799 | 6.00pa |
International Review of Law Computers & Technology (LJI) | I.R.L.C.T. | 1996, 10(1) - | 0.50pp |
Industrial Relations Legal Information Bulletin (LJI) (Now I.R.L.B.)* | I.R.L.I.B. | 1986, 359 -1993, 483 | 6.00pa |
Insurance and Reinsurance Law Newsletter (LJI FJI) (Now I.R.L.A.)* | I.R.L.N. | 1995, 1 - 1998, 3(12) | 5.10pa |
Industrial Relations Law Reports (CCC) | I.R.L.R. | 1995, - | 6.00pa |
Industrial Relations Review and Report (LJI)* | I.R.R.R. | 1986, 359 - 1998, 408 | 6.00pa |
Insurance & Reinsurance Solvency Report (FJI)* | I.R.S.R. | 1992, 71 - 1994, 173 | 5.10pa |
Inland Revenue Tax Bulletin (LJI) | I.R.T.B. | 1995, 15(Feb) - | 6.00pa |
International Review of Victimology (LJI) | I.R.V. | 1994, 3(1/2) - | 6.00pa |
Insurance Systems Bulletin (FJI)* | I.S.B. | 1992, 7(5) - 1993, 8(3) | 5.10pa |
Insurance Systems International (FJI)* | I.S.I. | 1992, 16 - 1992, 17 | 5.10pa |
International Sports Law Journal (LJI) | I.S.L.J. | 2003, 1 - | 6.00pa |
International Sports Law Review (LJI) | I.S.L.R. | 2001, 1(Mar) - | 5.00pa |
Irish Student Law Review (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | I.S.L.Rev. | 1992, 2 - 1994, 4 | 6.00pa |
International Securitisation Report (LJI)* | I.S.R. | 1999, 33(Jan) - 125 Jun 2007 | 6.00pa |
Information Technology & Communications Law Journal (LJI)* | I.T. & C.L.J. | 1998, 3 - 2000, 10 | CLA exc |
International Tax Report (LJI) | I.T. Rep. | 1994, Nov - | 5.10pa |
International Tax Review (LJI) | I.T. Rev. | 1991, 2(7) - | 10.00pa |
International Trust and Estate Law Reports (CCC) | I.T.E.L.R. | 1998/99, 6 - | 5.00pa |
Information Technology in Insurance (FJI)* | I.T.I. | 1993, 1 - 1994, 24 | 5.10pa |
International Tax Law Reports (CCC) | I.T.L. Rep. | 2001 - | CLA exc |
International Travel Law Journal (LJI) | I.T.L.J. | 1997, 1 - | 2.50pa |
International Trade Law Quarterly (LJI) (Now S.T.L.)* | I.T.L.Q. | 1997, 1(Nov) - 2000, 2(May) | 5.10pa |
International Technology Law Review (LJI) (Now M.I.P.)* | I.T.L.R. | 2001, 14(May) - 2001, 19(Nov) | 10.00pa |
International Transfer Pricing Journal (LJI-EU) | I.T.P.J. | 1993, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
International VAT Monitor (LJI-EU) | I.V.M. | 1997, 8(1) - | 6.00pa |
International Yearbook of Law, Computers & Technology (LJI) (Now I.R.L.C.T.)* | I.Y.L.C.T. | 1986, 6 - 1995, 9 | 0.50pp |
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Bulletin (LJI) (Now Amicus Curiae)* | IALS Bull. | 1989, 4 - 1997, 25 | 6.00pa |
International Benefits Information Service Report (FJI)* | IBIS Rep. | 2000, 1(5) - 2001, 2(20) | 6.00pa |
International Benefits Information Service Review (FJI) (Now IBIS Rep.)* | IBIS Review | 1993, 7(12) - 1999, 14(6) | 6.00pa |
IDS Brief Employment Law & Practice (LJI) (Now IDS Emp. L. Brief)* | IDS Brief | 1989, 388 - 2005, 778 | 6.00pa |
IDS Diversity at Work (LJI) | IDS D.W. | 2004, 1(Jul) - | 6.00pa |
IDS Employment Europe (LJI)* | IDS Emp. E. | 1995, 400 - 2004, 509 | 6.00pa |
IDS Employment Law Brief (LJI) | IDS Emp. L. Brief | 2005, 779 - | 5.00pa |
IDS European Report (LJI-EU) (Now IDS Emp. E.)* | IDS Euro. R. | 1993, 373 - 1995, 400 | 6.00pa |
IDS Pensions Bulletin (LJI) | IDS P.B. | 2004, 177 - | 5.00pa |
IDS Pensions Law Reports (CCC) | IDS P.L.R. | 1997, - | 6.00pa |
IDS Pensions Service Bulletin (FJI) (Now IDS P.B.)* | IDS P.S.B. | 1992, 51 - 2004, 176 | 6.00pa |
Independent Financial Adviser Review (FJI)* | IFA Review | 1995, 1 - 1996, 10 | 12.00pa |
Institute of Insurance Brokers Magazine (FJI)* | IIB Mag. | 1995, Jan/Feb - 1995, Nov/Dec | 6.00pa |
International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (LJI-EU) | IIC | 1993, 24(1) - | 16.22pa |
INSOL World (LJI) | INSOL W. | 2004, 1 | 6.00pa |
IP Scan (LJI) | IP Scan | 2001, 1(Aut) - | 6.00pa |
IRS Employment Law Bulletin (LJI)* | IRS Emp. L.B. | 2007, 800 - 2007, 803 | 6.00pa |
IRS Employment Law (LJI) (Now IRS Emp. Rev.)* | IRS Emp. Law | 2001, 738 - 2006, 843 | 6.00pa |
IRS Employment Review (LJI) | IRS Emp. Rev. | 2002, 764 - | 6.00pa |
IRS Employment Trends (FJI) (Now IRS Emp. Rev. )* | IRS Emp. Trends | 1992, 515 - 2002, 763 | CLA exc |
IRS European Employment Review (LJI) | IRS Euro. Emp. Rev. | 2007, 396 - 2007, 407 | 6.00pa |
ISBA Legislative & Regulatory Review (LJI)* | ISBA L. & R.R. | 1993, Feb/Mar - 1995, 6 | 6.00pa |
IT & Communications Law Reports (CCC)* | IT & C.L.R. | 1998, 1 - | CLA exc |
Information Technology & Communications Newsletter (LJI) (Now IT & C.L.J.)* | IT & Comm. News. | 1998, 1(Feb) - 1998, 2(May/Jun) | CLA exc |
IT Law Today (LJI) | IT L.T. | 1993, 1(1) - | 5.10pa |
Immigration Appeal Reports (CCC) | Imm. A.R. | 1988, - | 6.00pa |
In Competition (LJI)* | In Comp. | 1993, 1 - 1999, 7(10) | 5.00pa |
In-House Lawyer (LJI) (Now I.H.L.)* | In-House L. | 1992, Jul/Aug - 1993, Nov | CLA exc |
Independent Law Review (LJI) | Ind. L.R. | 2004, Vol.1(1) | CLA exc |
Independent Solicitor (LJI)* | Ind. Sol. | 1986, Jan - 1995, May | 6.00pa |
Industrial Tribunal Reports (CCC) | Ind. T.R. | 1966 - 1978 | CLA exc |
Information Technology Law Reports (CCC) | Info. T.L.R. | 1997, - | 6.00pa |
Insurance & Reinsurance Law International (LJI)* | Ins. & Reins. Law Int. | 1986, 4(1) - 1989, 7(4) | 6.00pa |
Insurance Age (FJI)* | Ins. Age | 1992, Jan - 1999, Dec | 6.00pa |
Insurance International (FJI)* | Ins. Int. | 1990, 1 - 1994, 16 | 12.00pa |
Insurance Law & Claims (LJI FJI)* | Ins. L. & C. | 1992, 1 - 1996, 12 | 12.00pa |
Insurance Law & Practice (LJI FJI) (Now P.N.)* | Ins. L. & P. | 1991, 1(1) - 1995, 4(4) | CLA exc |
Insurance Law Journal (FJI)* | Ins. L.J. | 1992, 5(1) - 1995, 6(3) | CLA exc |
Insurance Law Monthly (LJI) | Ins. L.M. | 1989, 1(1) - | 5.10pa |
Insolvency Bulletin (LJI) (Now C.F.I.L.R.)* | Insolv. B. | 1998, 53 - 2000, 76 | 5.10pa |
Insolvency Intelligence (LJI) | Insolv. Int. | 1988, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Insolvency Lawyer (LJI)* | Insolv. L. | 1993, 7(Feb) - 2003, 6(Nov) | 5.00pa |
Insolvency Litigation & Practice (LJI) (Now Insolvency)* | Insolv. L. & P. | 1996, 1(1) - 1997, 2(5) | 6.00pa |
Insolvency Practitioner (LJI) (Now Recovery)* | Insolv. P. | 1998, Feb - 1998, Nov | 6.00pa |
Insolvency (LJI)* | Insolvency | 1998, 1 - 1998, 1 | 6.00pa |
International Arbitration Law Review (LJI) | Int. A.L.R. | 1997, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
International Accountant (LJI) | Int. Acc. | 2003, 18 - | 6.00pa |
International Banking Law (LJI FJI) (Now I.B.F.L.)* | Int. Bank. L. | 1986, 4(8) - 1991, 9(12) | 5.00pa |
International Broker (FJI)* | Int. Broker | 1992, Jan - 2001, Dec | 6.00pa |
International Community Law Review (LJI) | Int. C.L. Rev. | 2006, 8(1) - | 6.00pa |
International Criminal Law Review (LJI-EU) | Int. C.L.R. | 2002, 1(1/2) | 16.75pa |
International Corporate Rescue (LJI) | Int. C.R. | 2006, 3(1) - | 5.00pa |
International Insurance Law Review (LJI FJI)* | Int. I.L.R. | 1993, 1(1) - 1998, 6(12) | 5.00pa |
International Insurance Report (FJI)* | Int. I.R. | 1992, Jan -1994, Jan | 3.50pa |
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (LJI-EU) | Int. J. Comp. L.L.I.R. | 1988, 4(1) - | CLA exc |
International Journal of Law & the Family (LJI) (Now Int. J.L.P.F.)* | Int. J. Law & Fam. | 1988, 1(1) - 1995, 9(3) | 10.00pa |
International Journal of the Sociology of Law (LJI) (Now I.J.L.C.J.)* | Int. J. Soc. L. | 1986, 14(1) - 2007, 35(4) | 18.00pa |
International Journal of Franchising Law (LJI) | Int. J.F.L. | 2003, 1(1) - | 6.00pa |
International Journal of Law in Context (LJI) | Int. J.L.C. | 2006, 2(1) - | 10.00pa |
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family (LJI) | Int. J.L.P.F. | 1996, 10(1) - | 16.00pa |
International Maritime Law (LJI) (Now J.I.M.L.)* | Int. M.L. | 1994, 1(1) - 2002, 8(1) | 6.00pa |
International Relations (LJI) | Int. Rel. | 1986, 8(5) - | 14.50pa |
International Review of Law & Economics (LJI)* | Int. Rev. Law & Econ. | 1986, 6(1) - 1990, 9(2) | CLA exc |
International Trade Law & Regulation (LJI) | Int. T.L.R. | 1995, 1(1) - | 5.00pa |
Intertax (LJI-EU) | Intertax | 1994, 1 - | CLA exc |
Investment Management (FJI)* | Inv. Man. | 1992, 78 - 1997, Oct | 12.00pa |
Irish Business Law (LJI-IR LJI-EU)* | Ir. B.L. | 1998, 1(1) - 2001 4(5) | 6.00pa |
Irish Tax Review (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | Ir. T.R. | 1992, 6(1) - | 6.00pa |
Irish Jurist (LJI-IR LJI-EU) | Irish Jurist | 1990/92, 25/27 - | 5.00pa |